The Patricia C. and Charles H. 麦吉尔三世1963年杰出讲师和国际研究客座助理教授.

In the Spring of 2002, 麦吉尔大学国际研究项目迎来了第一位麦吉尔国际研究研究员. A generous gift from Patricia C. and Charles H. 麦吉尔III(1963届)让我们从世界各地请来一位教授两门课程, be in residence for a term and offer a public lecture. 获奖者包括获奖的印度记者P. 赛纳斯到伊朗人权领袖纳斯塔兰·穆萨维,再到古巴诗人/艺术家佩德罗·帕姆雷斯·萨杜伊. 他们丰富了我们的课程,激励和挑战了我们的学生.

In 2008, we decided to rework the McGill Fellowship. 我们不再每年邀请一位杰出的学者与我们一起度过一个学期. Instead, 我们可以有麦吉尔国际研究客座助理教授在校园一年(教三门课程并发表演讲),并在接下来邀请一个著名的公众人物来发表帕特里夏C. and Charles H. 麦吉尔三世1963年在全球十大网赌正规平台国际研究杰出讲座.

2009年春天,我们举办了第一届麦吉尔国际研究杰出讲座. 印度驻联合国大使尼鲁帕姆·森于2009年2月9日发表了演讲.  随后是麦吉尔大学第一位国际研究客座助理教授, Samanthi Gunawardana, who joined the Trinity faculty in 2009-2010.

Since then, thanks to the continued support of the McGill family, 我们延续了杰出讲师和客座助理教授交替授课的传统, 为我们的学生扩大课程和课外机会,并活跃校园内对全球重要问题的讨论. As of 2019, the McGill Fellowship is for two years.

McGill Fellow, 2023-2026

吉安卡洛·罗兰多是一位社会文化人类学家,对亚马逊地区土著定居者关系的日常经历和身份政治感兴趣, environmental conservation, and development. 他对普卢斯河上游的马斯塔纳瓦人进行了民族志田野调查,并通过分析他们与邻居的日常互动和叙述他们的接触过程,写下了他们对周围社会的经历. 他目前的研究考察了秘鲁亚马逊地区的土著人民参与和参与与其祖先领土重叠的发展项目和环境保护倡议的方式. 在全球十大网赌正规平台,他教授当代土著世界和全球南方的形成课程.

McGill Fellow 2021-2023

Natassja B. Gunasena is the 2020- 2022 Patricia C. and Charles H. 麦吉尔国际研究客座助理教授. She holds a Ph.在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得非洲和非洲侨民研究博士学位,她的研究重点是跨国非洲/亚洲公共文化和种族的散居形成, gender and sexuality. In her research and teaching, Dr. Gunasena强调了跨国分析对于理解种族暴力和性别暴力的紧迫性, as well as resistance to such violence, 在散居的身体和散居的实践中循环. 她目前正在撰写一本名为《全球十大网赌正规平台》的专著, 性与非洲/亚洲流散形成”,探讨视觉文化之间的联系, race science, nation building, and racialized, 19世纪末到20世纪中后期的女性身体表演. As an instructor, 她热衷于鼓励学生进行跨国思考, 比较和批判的关于种族的论述, gender, militarism and imperialism. At Trinity, she teaches “Global South,《全球十大网赌正规平台》和《全球十大网赌正规平台》.”

McGill Fellow 2019-2021

Daniela GomesDaniela F. Gomes da Silva来自巴西圣保罗,是非洲和非洲侨民研究博士.

Dr. 戈麦斯一直在用她的工作来联系非洲侨民. 她努力的重点是在全球范围内建立反对种族主义的国际桥梁. 她在巴西和其他国家举办了几场关于种族关系的讲座,并参加了一些会议. As an educator, Dr. 戈麦斯认为,好的教学包括帮助学生发现自己的道路, 他们想如何构建一个让他们追求未来的课堂环境. 她通过思考有助于学生个人和专业成长的策略来设计课程. In addition, 她重视交叉性的概念,并以跨学科的方式创建她的课程,欢迎学生的特殊性.

McGill Distinguished Lecture, 2002-2023


2023: Natassja B. Gunasena
Topic:  “The Specter of Blackness: Alexander Siddig, Tayeb Salih, 以及黑人大西洋中古怪的非洲/阿拉伯男子气概”

2021:Daniela Gomes

2018: Emily Mitchell-Eaton (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “我们在这里,因为你曾经在那里:从马绍尔群岛到阿肯色州的帝国移民

2016: Anida Ali (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “Transcending the In Between: A lecture, performance and visual experience of hybridity, otherness and exiled bodies” (read a news article about the performance)

2014: Anne-Marie Hanson (view the photo gallery)
Topic: Political ecology, recycling, marine litter, environmental justice, urban sustainability, gender and global environmental change (read a news article about the lecture)

2012: Joaquin Chavez (view the photo gallery)
题目:“革命教育学:天主教知识分子”, The Second Vatican Council, and the Origins of the New Left in El Salvador, 1960-1975” (read the media advisory)

2010: Samanthi Gunwardana (view the photo gallery)
Topic: Questioning the Global Anti-Sweatshop movement

2008: Thoko Ruzvideo
Unable to fulfill obligations

2006: Augustine Hungwe
Topic: Human rights and international law

2004: Pedro Perex-Sarduy
Topic: Afro Cuban race and identity

2002: Palagummi Sainath
Topic: “So Near to God, So Far From Heaven; Reporting Rural India”


2022: Craig Whitlock (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “Devoid of Fundamental Understanding of Afghanistan” (full lecture)
Link to Media Coverage
Link to Podcast

2019: Sisonke Msimang (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “温妮和她的丈夫:性别和全球权力图像

2017: Santiago Gamboa (view the photo gallery)
Topic: ‘叙述与旅行写作的艺术:一位拉丁美洲作家在印度

2015: Ambassador Liu Jieyi
Topic: “China and the United Nations

2013: Sharif Abdel Koudous (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “Egypt: Is it a Revolution?

2011: L. Muthoni Wanyeki (view the photo gallery)
Topic: “Kenya and its Democratic Presence

2009: Ambassador Nirupam Sen

2007: Pratyoush Onta
Topic: “Can NGOs generate knowledge? 对知识型企业格局的思考

2005: Nastaran Moosavi
Topic: “Revisiting Secular Thoughts in Iran”

2003: Pavel Lion
Topic: Russian folk, performance, intellectual comedy